Wellbeing advisors

What do we do?

Chichester Wellbeing are here to help. We offer free, friendly advice and support and we could help you or your loved one to improve your health and wellbeing. We provide guidance and support with things like becoming more active, losing weight, healthy eating, managing stress or anxiety, emotional wellbeing, reducing alcohol intake, or stopping smoking.

Wellbeing Advisors help people to make small changes to their lifestyle. Book in for a free one-to-one appointment to discuss any healthy lifestyle changes you would like to make and signpost you to appropriate support. They can also attend groups and talks to offer information and advice. The Wellbeing Advisors use body analyser scales to measure weight, BMI and body fat percentage as well as your hydration levels.

We also have Drop In sessions twice a month for all our clients who would like to pop in for a 15 minute catch up with one of our advisors and to use our Tanita Scales so they can keep on top of their progress once they have concluded their one-to-one sessions. Drop Ins are every second Wednesday and every last Friday of the month.

Our Chichester Wellbeing Service Booklet (PDF, 6.4 MB - new window) gives more details about the services we offer. (This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology but more details of services are listed below).

Wellbeing Team Photo

Other services we provide:

  • Weight Loss Workshops - These 12 week workshops are focused on healthy eating and will educate you about food, helping you to lose weight and keep it off! For more information, visit our Weight loss workshops page.
  • Falls Prevention Workshops - The Everyone Health Falls Prevention for Wellbeing course is a 24 week course designed to help people who are worried about falling or who may have had a fall in the past, to keep steady and stay on their feet. They include a lesson on the 6 main exercises that will help balance. For more information, visit the Everyone Health page.
  • Alcohol Reduction Support - Our Alcohol Wellbeing Advisors offer confidential and non judgemental, 1-1 support to advise on how to safely reduce your alcohol intake. 
  • Smoking Cessation Support - We can provide up to 12 weeks of support to help you to quit smoking. We can also provide FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy such as patches, gum, inhalators or lozenges.

Contact us

If you would like to book in for a one-to-one appointment or a Wellbeing Check In or just get more information, please call Chichester Wellbeing on 01243 521041 or email the team.

Your Wellbeing hub
