Active for Life

Do you currently do less than the recommend 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of exercise each week? Are you wishing to be more active, but don’t know where to start?

There are many benefits to regular exercise, including:

  • Feeling more energetic
  • Boost your self-esteem and mood
  • Better sleep
  • Less likely to feel the effects of aging
  • Socialising with others
  • Reduce your risk of long-term conditions such as heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes

We offer one to one support to help you motivate yourself in becoming more active, whether that is building on what you do already or perhaps trying something new. Here are a few of the activities you could try: 

  • Walking groups or beginners running club
  • Walking netball, cricket or football
  • Local exercise classes
  • Local gym membership
  • Swimming

To take your first steps to becoming active for life, please contact us today. 

Active for Life exercise courses       

We are offering free 12 week course for those looking to get back into exercise in partnership with local instuctors, Everyone Active and Thrive gym in Selsey.

The courses will be held across the district and are aimed at those who are currently doing less than the recommended 150 minutes of exercise each week, are inactive adults who are looking to increase their activity levels and confidence!

Contact Chichester Wellbeing for more information. 

Walking with Poles                         

WWP Photo

During the spring and summer months we offer a free 12 week course to learn how to walk with poles with a qualified Nordic Walking Instructor. This course is for those who are looking to return to exercise and who are currently doing less than the recommended 150 minutes of exercise each week. The course is aimed at inactive adults looking to increase their activity levels and confidence through walking.

“The course has been very beneficial in improving my stamina, balance and also the social benefit!” Walking with Poles participant, July 2023

Contact us today to find out when the next 12 week course is due to start or to book onto a taster session to try it out first!

Contact us

Telephone: 01243 521041

Email Chichester Wellbeing

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